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Border Union 2009 Critique

Such a privilege to be invited to judge our breed in the historic setting of the beautiful Borders. The show has its own dynamic and like the steadily glowing waters of the Tweed, just refuses to be hurried. My two stewards were excellent, keeping events proceeding efficiently despite threats from the rain and thoroughly entering into the spirit of the occasion. I thought broadly speaking the quality of the entry was good, particularly in bitches (like so many breeds on the day) with a number of different types evident. Type preference is subjective and open to interpretation from our word standard, so no one type can have the monopoly, It’s a matter of opinion and that’s what makes the result both varied and personally challenging. A few things needs attention. Incorrect eyes in both shape and colour proliferate. Some heads are lacking in what I shall call sculptural fineness with back skulls in particular too heavy. A number of hounds are upright or, in some cases knuckle over. These are faults that can only be corrected with the state and health of our breed. Hounds in the top classes were very good and places could easily be reversed. My CC winners were excellent examples and I felt could have held their own in any era. We stayed for the Group and saw Gille produce a great performance to be short listed, so a nice end to the day. Could I just thank all the exhibitors for the quality of the entry, good humour and sportsmanship in competition.

PD. (1). 1. Cusidh Righ Innse Gall. Well grown strong 9 month old boy. Nice head, eye and ear. Good body and loin for age. Plenty of drive from well angled quarters. Happy attitude.

ND. (2). 1. Foy’s, Glenfoyble in the Gloaming. Well made heavily coated youngster. Sound going and coming. Good angles front and rear. Strong neck. In good order but could be enhanced with a general sympathetic tidy up.

PGD. (7). 1. Hawkin’s, Kearicott Asclepius. Nice dog to go over. In first class coat and condition. Good head and eye. Strong neck into a decent shoulder and well boned front. Adequate depth of brisket and strong loin. Moved soundly covering the ground. Just loosing his topline when in motion. 2. Spencer and Rhodes’s, Gentom Renown. Tall dog with a stunning outline when set up. Very deep in heart with nice rise over loin into drooping quarters. Lovely head and eye. 3. Peach’s, Kilbourne Firechief.

LD. 1. Hall’s, Canerike Crocodile Cooler. Pale grey of quality and distinctive style. Classic head and eye, rangy deep body. Good topline merging into croup and drooping quarters. Nice angles fore and aft. Sweeping tail. A fine example of a type becoming more rare now a days. 2. Trotman and Dockrees’s, Regalflight Princequillo of Penherald. Well made dog. Good head and eye. Strongly boned. Deep long cast body, nice loin, low hocks. Very powerful quarters with great width and drive. 3. Taylor’s, Lyart Yes Minister.

OD. (3). 1. Help’s, Greyfrairs Gille of Beardswood. Tremendous ring presence. Dark well made dog in outstanding coat and condition making him a pleasure to go over. Powerful well sprung body, great power in the couplings and fall into wide driving quarters. Entirely masculine, so fluid and impressive on the move. To be critical a little strong in the skull but set onto a neck that exemplifies the standard in strength and shape. CC and BOB. 2. Day’s, Demerlay Dorian Grey at Celticmoon. In wonderful rich coat and condition. Classical head and dark eye. Very good neck into well laid shoulders. Deep body and sweeping quarters with width and low hocks. Another fine animal now fully mature. RCC. 3. Spencer’s, Gentom Orlando at Talgavar.

PB. (5). 1. Platt’s, Charbonnel Fliss. Sweet feminine 11 months old girl. Very nice outline which she held on the move. Pretty head and eye. Well conditioned body and ribbing for age. Good quarters and feet. Mature and competent for one so young. Really liked her and felt she had a lot of potential. BP. 2. Cartmell’s, Cusidh Perchance to Dream. Much more immature youngster determined to have a good time. Well boned and eye catching. Standing over plenty of ground. Good head and eye. Strong quarters. Lengthy well set tail. Strong free mover. A nice puppy in a good class and will be interesting when she matures. 3. Foot and Crossan’s, Cusidh Caol Muile.

JB. (5). 1. Peach’s, Brackenland Waltz at Kilbourne. Dark 16 months old bitch with a lovely outline standing and moving. Good front assembly countered by her sweeping quarters and low hocks. Adequate body for the age and lovely balance in the loin. Eye a shade light. Needs time but should finish well. 2. Taylor’s, Brackenland Tan to Kilbourne. Litter sister to winner. Similar in many ways but more mature and stronger at the moment. Not quite the hind angulation of the winner but sound and free on the move. Well boned. Two nice youngsters. 3. Trotman’s, Stainlonan Kulang of Penherald.

NB. (6). 1. McKinnon’s, Moireach Treshnish. Grey racy bitch of nice type and free ranging conformation. Appealing head and eye. Ragged well textured coat. Moved with freedom and extension when she settled on well knuckled feet. The best shoulder placement and front in the class. 2. Day’s, Celticmoon Dark Shadow. Lovely typical dark grey in outstanding coat and condition. Good head and neck. Similar in conformation in many ways to winner, but just preferred the outline of the winner. 3. Foy’s, Glenfoyble Filliberry.

PGB. (11). 1. Peach’s, Witchway to Kilbourne. Striking dark bitch in rich ragged coat, all curves when standing and then moved lightly maintaining conformation and balanced composure. Very typical head and neck position on the move giving that characteristic Deerhound ‘slink’. Totally feminine with good angles fore and aft. Just a shade light in the eye but a first rate bitch. Well deserved CC. 2. Taylor’s, Guinivere Starshine from Kilbourne. Another winning sister combination. Excellent condition and presentation. Very good outline although not quite the topline of her sister. Pleasing head and eye. Good front and well boned. Moved freely. Again to nice girls. 3. Killoeter Morven.

LB. (7). 1. Girling’s, Pyefleet Rokesby. Well made. Standing over the ground on good feet and bone. Deep well sprung body with strength and balance in the couplings. Quarters broad and sound with hocks set low complemented by a well angled front. A tad strong in the skull but overall presenting a totally unexaggerated pleasing picture. RCC. 2. Reynold’s, Wickwar Lace. Very nice bitch of different type. Dark rich coat. Very deep body and sweeping sound quarters. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Wonderful Deerhound head and eye. Neck a shade short. 3. Janson’s, Nixophel Crystal Amethyst.

OB. (4). 1. Janson’s, Greyflax Lady of the Lake to Nixophel. Feminine long cast full mature 6 and a half year old bitch. In super condition and coat. Very deep in body. Very pleasing head and eye. Good shoulder and return. Nice cow hocks. Quality exhibit.

Bryan Doak


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